Comfy Peapod, Inflatable Sensory Pod Pack of 2

Dropship : $25.33
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168.88 168.88 USD 168.88


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Comfy Hugging Peapod's soothing deep pressure offers a caressing hug, enabling a calming sense of security. Just a few minutes in the Comfy Peapod relaxes, quiets and calms down most users. Perfect for those who are fidgety and can't sit still to read, study, or just relax. Includes electric air pump. Focus is increased by the soft embrace of the peapod relieving anxiety and stress. Comes with an electric pump and repair kit. Soft like velvet and strong and durable for endless kids play. 3 inflatable compartments enable kids to rock side to side providing an outlet for excess energy. 

48" Peapod Measurements:

  • 48" x 26.5" x 17” and holds up to 220 lbs

60" Peapod Measurements:

  • 60" x 30" x 17” and holds up to 350 lbs

80" Peapod Measurements:

  • 80" x 30" x 17” and holds up to 550 lbs